The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Life is a beautiful journey and it can bring devastating events to us. The purpose of the words to come are to share my stories of loosing my brother and then my mother both to suicide two years apart. After years of having private conversations with many people, friends and perfect strangers, I have noticed a common theme that people feel alone in their grief, trauma, pain, mourning. They are unsure how they should feel, or where they should be at in their journey and don’t have people to discuss the deeply raw emotions that surface. Grief was once explained to me as an ocean. Some days it’s calm and you can swim along smoothly. Other days it’s a hurricane and you are drowning in the thunder waves crashing down on you over and over. That resonated with me. 

So here I will be vulnerable. Share my experience, pain, brutal honestly on all aspects of my journey along side the deaths of my loved ones. This is my life, my story, my memories in the worst moments. My hope is someone may read a story and know they are not the only one. That they can be angry, sad, hurt, heart broken, lost and living, growing, moving forward while never forgetting. 

I believe that death, suicide, loss is not nearly discussed as much as it should be. Few are prepared for the freight train that will slam into them. We hear about sex, babies, marriage, taxes, credit, politics, and more recently that mental health needs to be addressed and the stigmatizeism removed but I still find few people actually doing anything or telling their stories. It’s like people are using a script someone predetermined that no one can relate to. Not everyone will relate to my stories but someone will and even if it’s just one person in a dark moment that finds a light, then sharing my journey is completely worth it. 



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